What was it like the first time you locked eyes with a man and didn’t look away. Talk about how it changed your relationships? Sharing these experiences will be helpful to others with the same goal. A chance to talk about the exercises and how they are affecting you. I am going to issue an offer to share how you are doing with the tasks on the previous post. How about you non-female, non-trans, male adjacent betas… what would you prefer, balls or no balls? As a follow up in case they are different answers, what would be the most effective means of controlling you? Trans men, trans women, and inter-sexed people may have their own thoughts, and I would love to hear them! Ladies, your thoughts? What would you enjoy doing? Would you end up doing something else for the sake of practicality? If so, what would it be? If you enjoy having someone to torture and release stress on, leave them in place. In the end it’s a matter of what you want from that “Man”. You can replace their identity with one of your choosing, and you can replace their will with your own. If you remove his balls, their identity and will are removed with them. Having balls to exploit is great, but they may get willful. “Do you think that every man should have his balls removed, or is it easier to dominate him through his sensitive testicles?” I have left out the name of the querent for the sake of their privacy. The paraphrased question below was asked via DM.